Colorado Blood Alcohol Level Chart

Blood alcohol level chart.
Colorado blood alcohol level chart. Use the blood alcohol level chart to get an idea of how many drinks it takes to put your blood alcohol concentration bac above the legal limit. The figures you calculate are averages. Generally one drink is considered.
When you consume alcohol your bac rises rapidly and steadily until it reaches its maximum level or peak this is where the term rising blood alcohol comes from. Blood alcohol content is the main determinant in both alcohol related offenses in colorado. The blood alcohol levels will be determined based on the amount of alcohol by volume which will differ on the type of alcohol.
There are two different offenses for which a person can be charged. Blue impaired driver red legally drunk driver. 2 this is known as your blood alcohol concentration or blood alcohol content bac.
Individuals may vary somewhat in their personal alcohol tolerance. Driving while ability is impaired dwai and driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs dui. For general purposes the blood alcohol level chart will often define one drink as one shot of 80 proof liquor 12 fl oz of beer and 5 fl oz of table wine.
Medication health and psychological conditions are also influencing factors. Food in the stomach slows the rate of absorption. In colorado dui is a trace of alcohol after hours weight 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 43 2 1 1 drink 2 drinks.
1 12 fl oz beer 1 5 fl oz glass of wine 1 1 5 fl oz shot of hard liquor. Here you can find your blood alcohol level by using the bac level chart below on this page. Until it can complete the process some of the alcohol remains in your blood.
In every state it s illegal a per se dui to drive with a blood alcohol concentration bac of 08 or more.